Sonic After the Sequel is an unofficial sequel in the blue hedgehog's franchise that takes place somewhere between Sonic 2 and Sonic 3. The game comes with the saga's traditional gameplay, but adds a few more interesting elements.
When you start the game, you’ll see that you can choose, from the start, between Sonic and his partner, Tails. Plus, you can activate or deactivate the story scenes that appear between levels and give an added background to the classic 2D platform game.
Once you are running and jumping through any of Sonic After the Sequel's levels, you'll realize that, in spite of not being official, this is one excellent Sonic game. The game comes with all the quality if the first games in the franchise, and adds new elements, such as skills or levels to surprise even the veterans.
Sonic After the Sequel is a great 2D platform game that is up there with all the well-known commercial games. Even the graphics are spectacular at times thanks to an excellent use of colors.
This game is nice, I beaten it in 1 day (2 days if count debug mode) with unlocking Super Sonic and beating on both modes (story and classic) but I didn't collect all special coins.
The game is not bad, but I expected better.
What to do if I launch the game for a character with cut-scenes, wait, and the game closes! The same thing happens with Sonic! Answer, please, if you know what to do!